Sunday, December 17, 2006

Even though I didn’t especially need it, I got tons of comfort yesterday from my two grandsons. Anyone feeling disconsolate about the condition of the world would only need to spend a few hours with young Noah or Joshua to feel considerably reassured. These boys bring a sense of encouragement with them wherever they go. All seems well – even perfect – with the universe when I’m hanging around with these active yet somehow tranquil boys. While Noah and I and Jaimie and Jessy enjoyed our customary Saturday breakfast (French toast for some, an egg and cheese sandwich for others), I occasionally exchanged a few quiet words with Noah. He seemed extra peaceful as he munched his food and smiled and chatted with me. It was a mild morning outside, and he made the inside of the house every bit as mild. After breakfast (and some relaxing playing in the studio), I drove up to spend a few hours with what has to be (at least when I visit) one of the calmest families I know. Josh was at his cuddliest best, whether rolling on the floor, giggling at Luke’s antics, or just peacefully resting in Krissy’s arms. It gave me enormous pleasure simply to be near him and his small treasure of quietness. Who needs a tranquilizer or a glass of wine when he has two soothing boys for good medicine?

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