Friday, October 12, 2007

The weather has been delightfully warm for the past several weeks. It’s October, but it seems, honestly, more like midsummer. The mornings are mild and still but with a feeling of coming warmth in the air, and by mid-afternoon I’ve set my sweater aside and rolled up my sleeves to stay cool. It hasn’t actually been hot (my students haven’t yet swooned during class, as they came close to doing in September), but there’s been a sultriness in the air that’s brought the perspiration out as I’ve taught my lessons. Still, the days have been beautiful. The trees are just about at their colorful best, and leaves are floating softly down in the still air. I must remember to take my students out for “walking classes” in the next few weeks. I would think that discussing To Kill a Mockingbird as we walk among multicolored trees might be closer to recreation than work.

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