Thursday, October 18, 2007

Day 30, October 18, 2007

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The two Janes had some triumphs today. Jane P. stood at the podium in a dignified manner and recited her required poem without hesitation or error. I found myself tensing up as I listened, hoping she could get all the way through -- and she did. I wanted to jump and shout in praise when she finished. Instead, I just thanked her, and we all clapped. A bit later, Jane S. performed in an astonishing manner in class. We had read a lengthy and convoluted chapter in our book last night, and most of the kids had missed some implied meanings. Jane, however, held forth on these hidden ideas quite confidently, and in some detail. As she spoke, it became clear to me that she was one of only two students (out of 21) in the class who understood the significance of some important parts of the chapter.

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In our "committees" today, Joey, showing politeness and good discussion skills, asked Ralph what he thought about the topic.

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Lisa is one of the most perceptive and meticulous readers in her class. Today she amazed all of us with her ability to recall the smallest details from the assigned chapter in the book. She remembered more from the chapter than even I did. When I asked if she had gotten help on the chapter, she replied, "Nope. I just read it carefully."

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