Thursday, August 24, 2006

JOURNAL: August 24, 2006

Yesterday supplied many rewarding experiences for me. In the morning, I worked with five students who seemed to genuinely want to learn. Yes, it was a lovely summer morning and they were yawning and distracted a good part of the time, but they were all trying their best to be good tutorial students. Our sessions together were both relaxing and productive. In the afternoon, I had a wonderful workout in the park, marred only by a regrettable encounter with some young boys. I was dutifully climbing up and down the stone steps when a group of boys asked me for some money to get a drink. When I said no and continued walking, I heard them mutter some unkind things about my stinginess. It was sad to find some meanness in the midst of the beautiful park. In the evening, I went to some friends’ house for dinner and enjoyed a perfectly pleasant evening. Their house was filled with good cheer and sincerity. We enjoyed excellent food and the best kind of satisfying conversation.

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