Thursday, August 10, 2006

JOURNAL: August 10, 2006

Yesterday was perhaps the finest day of the summer, weather-wise. I spent the morning tutoring at school, and every time I walked outside to take a break, I was impressed by the coolness and freshness of the air. After so many sultry days, the summer finally brought us a day for celebrating. I honestly felt like running around in the pleasant air, maybe even skipping or dancing.

In the afternoon, I sat in the park and read a chapter from Dombey and Son. (The suspense is building. Will the sinister Mr. Dombey get his revenge??) The weather, again, was absolutely perfect. A cool breeze rustled the pages of the book as I read, and the clear sunlight made the trees and grass shine in a special way.

In the evening at home, I listened to, and read, a very emotional scene from The Winter’s Tale. I was choked up as I turned the pages, and tears gathered in my eyes.

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