Saturday, April 08, 2006

Meditation: "Face to Face"

“I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” -- Genesis 32: 30

What’s interesting to me about this quote from the Bible is that I do this every moment – and usually am not even aware of it. It’s true. Each moment today, the face of God will be present everywhere, and by that I mean the face of the infinite, ever-present power of Spirit. The wonderful fact is that there is no other power in the universe besides this one (sometimes called Mind, Thought, God, Allah, etc.), and so I have no choice but to be present with it at all times. In fact, since I am part of this power, I actually don’t see God face to face each moment; rather, I am the reflection of the face of God. A point to remember is that, when Jacob said these words, he also said that he had heard of God, but this was the first time he had seen Him or Her. This applies to my own situation. For years (maybe close to 30), I have been doing spiritual reading and meditating every morning. In other words, I have “heard” of God – the infinite power of the universe – by reading and thinking about it, but rarely do I really come “face to face” with it. My experience of this vast spiritual power has been more in the realm of words than of actual experience. Hopefully, I can make this drizzly, warm April day one in which the infinite power of God is truly present to me. In that sense, I want it to be a very special day. I want to walk around feeling the inside glow that’s actually always there because the only power of the universe is constantly, persistently with me.

And with all of us.

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