Monday, March 27, 2006

Journal: Monday, March 27, 2006

On Saturday I had another exciting morning at the Mystic Aquarium with my totally enthusiastic grandson. We met about 9:30, before the crowds arrived, and as soon as Noah got out of the car, he was squealing and bouncing with excitement. Jaimie said he often asked, "Are we close to the aquarium?" as they were driving down the highway, still miles from Mystic. It has obviously become one of Noah's beloved places, and, because of him, it has also become a special place for me. Of course, we had to pause briefly just inside the entrance in front of the tank holding the lovely white jellyfish. Standing in front of them for even a few moments is guaranteed to bring harmony to the soul of even the most harried person. The delicate, graceful creatures slowly rise and fall in the water, almost as though they are listening and moving to some heavenly music. However, we couldn't stay there long, for young Noah soon had us moving briskly from tank to tank as he took in the wonders of the various creatures. His face was alight with astonishment and joy the entire time. It was as if he had been given the greatest gift he could possibly think of -- and perhaps he had. Just being with this effervescent angel for a few hours that morning was my greatest gift.

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