Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Journal: Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Today was filled with a variety of activities. In the early morning, I spent a few hours at home doing my usual pre-breakfast reading and writing. I sat at the brown table in the soft light of the desk lamp and read slowly and carefully, taking notes along the way. The time passed quickly, mostly because I was absorbed and focused on what I was doing. After breakfast, I drove to school and had some wonderful classes throughout the day. The morning 8th grade classes were, as they usually are, efficient and productive (although the students did appear abnormally lethargic, perhaps because of the four-day weekend). The afternoon classes with the ebullient and restive 9th grade were also splendid, although I don’t think I was at my best as a teacher. After school, I took a brisk walk up and down the stairs in Wilcox Park. The sun was setting and laying a golden light on the ice of the pond, which made my walk especially inspiring. I felt strong and full of life as I paced along. When I returned home, I enjoyed a cup of steaming tea and reflected back upon a satisfying winter day.

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