Monday, February 20, 2006

Journal: Monday, February 20, 2006

I had a long day of driving yesterday, but it was surely worth the trouble. Actually, it was not much trouble at all, for the day was bright and beautiful (although frigid) and my car ran comfortably along the roads. I was snug and safe inside my little Kia Spectra as we cruised up toward Brooklyn, CT and Millbury, Mass to see Luke and Jaimie and their families. I listened to some audio tapes as I drove, which inspired me even more that the good-looking countryside. What really made the drive worthwhile was the end result – a visit with my oldest sons and their loved ones. I first spent a few hours in the woods of northeastern Connecticut with little Noah and his mom and dad, enjoying their warm house (the new wood stove was purring in the corner of the kitchen) and their affable company. Noah showed me how he can stand on his hands (so to speak), and of course he talked incessantly in his happy, charming way. I then drove another forty minutes to hang out with Krissy and Luke. We enjoyed a hearty breakfast at Puffins, but even better was the excellent conversation. It was a rather bitter day outside, but inside the little cafe there was only coziness and optimism.

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