Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Poem: "An Invitation"

Please join us
for a very ordinary day.
Don’t think anything special will happen.
The sun will be its usual
fair-haired self,
the sky will unroll
its everyday magnificence,
and the earth beneath your feet
will follow its customary path
through the paradise of space.
Don’t expect
anything extraordinary.
Above us, a zillion stars
will sail together
like a silver fleet,
and the blood of our bodies
will send its ships
to all our zillion cells.

Please join us.
It will be
an unusually commonplace day.
The present moments
will make their characteristic
exquisite music.


Anonymous said...

Excellent, thank you.

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing poem! Now this is a piece of art that would defiantly be worth submitting to a news paper, or magazine company.