Sunday, January 22, 2006

Journal: 1/22/06

Yesterday, for some reason, I had one of my best work days ever. It wasn't especially exciting work – just grading essays, writing comments, and putting my college syllabus in order – but it was, nonetheless, a happy and gratifying way to spend a Saturday. I listened to some marvelous classical music on my iPod, and that surely helped. The hours passed like a dream. I was typing, writing, organizing, singing, and smiling from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

* * * * *

I am thoroughly enjoying my new iPod. I feel like I’ve turned the clock back many years to those wonderful times when music was an inspiration in my life. Of course, I have been listening to lots of classical music since I bought the iPod, but last night I bought and downloaded several old 60’s and 70’s pop tunes – stuff that I loved back in those heady times. Now this morning, at 6:24 am, I’m gyrating around the apartment as I enjoy the sounds of the Eagles blasting beautifully in through my little ear pods.

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