Friday, January 13, 2006

Journal: 1/13/06

Yesterday we had a most wonderful assembly to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the students perform so seriously and responsibly. Each piece of the program was carried out in a smooth manner, as though they had been practicing for weeks. I was especially impressed with one 8th grade girl, who gave us, with great emotion and elocution, a portion of Dr. King’s most famous speech.

* * * * *
I came home right after school and took a delightful walk in the park. The winter daylight was still bright, though growing dim and golden as the evening came on, and there was a balmy, April-like feel to the air. I went up and down the steep steps with youthful fervor.

* * * * *
I’m thoroughly enjoying Dickens’ Dombey and Son. Somehow he manages to create characters that I genuinely care about, and that also help me understand my own life better. For a few minutes each day, I live in their world, not mine, and in doing so, I, by some means, learn more about mine.

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